The Future of journalism in Afghanistan
Afghaanse journalisten, die hun land zijn ontvlucht, hebben hulp nodig.
Donderdag 30 september van 16.00 - 17.30 uur wordt een online evenement met bijzondere spreker uit Afghanistan en CNN’s Clarissa Ward georganiseerd.
ReNEWS produceert de bijeenkomst en AFP sponsort dit genereus. Om te zorgen dat iedereen kan participeren, zijn de tickets gratis. Tijdens en na het evenement worden donaties gevraagd, maar doneren is niet verplicht.
Het ingezamelde geld wordt beschikbaar gesteld aan organisaties die gevluchte Afghaanse journalisten (geestelijk) ondersteunen.
The situation in Afghanistan is dire.
With the generous support of AFP, ReNEWS is producing a fundraising event to raise money to support Afghan journalists with mental health resources, safety support, and care. The event, which is evolving as we speak, will include an up-to-the-minute update on what is happening in Afghanistan and, very crucially, give specific ways in which we, the global news community, can help at this desperate time.
Phil Chetwynd, Global News Director for AFP, will lead a conversation on the situation in Afghanistan today, and what is being done to provide desperately needed mental health support and care.
Introduced by Hans Laroes, former Chief of News at NOS, ReNEWS Editorial Board Chair.
Guests to include:
Dr. Anthony Feinstein
Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Toronto
Najiba Noori
Photographer, Filmmaker, Video Journalist, AFP (Afghanistan)
Abdul Mujeen Khalvatgar
Journalist and Managing Director of NAI (Afghanistan)
Clothillde Redferm
Director, The Rory Peck Trust
Lotfullah Najafizada
Director of TV, TOLONews TV (Afghanistan)
Clarissa Ward
Chief International Correspondent, CNN